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Corporate social responsibility at S2S Global is how we do business. Our sourcing process includes partnerships with contracted manufacturers across the world to bring the highest quality products to market while providing savings to Premier alliance members. It is an essential part of our business to meet both the social and legal responsibility standards. At S2S, these responsibilities are a top priority.

S2S Global, a wholly owned subsidiary of Premier, discloses the following efforts toward strong anti-bribery standards, and the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain:

  1. Annual social responsibility audits of our contracted manufacturers via a well-known third-party auditor. Audits are both announced and unannounced and include private worker interviews and inspections of manufacturing and living facilities. Any findings are reported at the end of each audit. Manufacturers who fail to meet S2S standards after a corrective action plan is implemented are terminated.
  2. Annual instructor-led anti-bribery and human trafficking education for all S2S employees with webinar sessions for S2S sourcing agents and other Premier personnel who work with S2S, including Premier’s Executive Leadership Team. This education brings awareness and understanding of S2S Global’s Anti-Bribery and Human Trafficking Policies and Procedures.
  3. Ongoing internal evaluation of potential risks via monitoring by the Premier legal and compliance departments.
  4. Anonymous third-party reporting portal, Premier’s WorkSmart Integrity HelpLine, is available to anyone to report unethical behavior, misconduct and suspected criminal or illegal activity.



S2S Global’s Quality Assurance program is comprehensive, incorporating industry best practices to deliver quality products, all while driving tangible savings to Premier’s alliance members. Our members are at the forefront of our quality program, reviewing categories for barriers to entry and helping identify a broad and diverse supplier base for product assortment. Members conduct product validation and pre-production evaluation via our S2S Global Clinical Committee. Member feedback also drives product improvements throughout the contract cycle.

S2S Global’s internal Quality Assurance Team, along with the Quality Inspection Team from our overseas exclusive sourcing agent, conducts both supplier and product validation throughout the manufacturing process. Supplier validation includes third-party auditing that covers manufacturing specifications and facility capabilities (e.g., ISO9001, ISO13485, GMP, etc.). Products are inspected during production through random sampling prior to shipment and via inbound and random distribution center inspections to monitor product consistency over time. Our third-party accredited product testing process covers all critical quality measures specific to each particular product, including, but not limited to, claim verification, tensile strength, viral penetration and product performance.

S2S Global is committed to bringing quality products to the market for Premier alliance members.

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